“SM” – or Sadism and Masochism – is named for the famous 18 century French noble, the Marquis de Sade. An author and playwright, de Sades’s work focused on sexual depravity, pain and suffering. Intense, erotic works formed the basis of his literature; stimulating, provocative and scandalous in ways that were ahead of their times and so revolutionary that he was imprisoned or committed to insane asylums for over thirty years. Persecuted for recognising the erotic pleasures of pain.
Today we honour the Marquis de Sade as a visionary. His tales of sexual cruelty and wanton lust still form the basis of BDSM. His ideals of power, control, and the dominance to take whatever you desire still resonates with so many like-minded people. Explore your dark fantasies. Plumb the depths of the human soul. Revel in the pleasure you can take in your slave’s pain. Learn to embrace your hidden desires and walk the path that de Sade laid out as you unleash your sadistic hungers on a beautiful, bound, compliant and suffering slave.
Here are the sex slaves (submissive/BDSM escorts) in France. They are ready to fulfil your fantasies. Please click the chain icon on a slave’s photo to view her profile……
(Please move your mouse (finger on the mobile device) to lady’s photo until the chain icon appears, then click the chain icon on the photo to view her profile)