– ご利用の流れ
1. WEBサイト閲覧後、お客様のお好みと日時をお知らせください。私どもから奴隷嬢の写真とプロフィールをお送りします。(新規のお客様については、写真閲覧料として送付前に$200をいただいております)
2. お好みの嬢をお選びいただき、料金をお支払いください。
3. 私どもで嬢を派遣するための航空券、ビザの手配等(必要な場合のみ)をいたします。その後、奴隷があなたの元へ向かいます。
– 写真閲覧について
– お支払いについて
– 奴隷嬢の選び方のおすすめ
– 痛みの許容度の指標
許容度 1: お尻を優しく叩く
許容度 2: お尻を強めに叩く
許容度 3: お尻をかなり強く叩く
許容度 4: お尻を非常に強く叩く
許容度 5: SM用の鞭などで強く叩く
– 奴隷からよりよい反応を得るためのアドバイス
– 航空券の手配について
私どもは、派遣する奴隷嬢の航空券手配を、お客様のご指示と費用のご負担をもって、代行しております。通常、WEBサイト「Booking Buddy(http://www.bookingbuddy.com)」から手配しております。代行手数料等はいただいておりません。
– 奴隷嬢の連絡先について
– 奴隷嬢のプライバシーについて
– サービスの範囲について
– 奴隷嬢との直接契約について
– 返金ポリシー
Photo Delivery
– New clients need to pay A$/€/$200 photo deposit to obtain photos and start service process. Our clients can get photos by email or come to browse the computer database in our office. Before a client’s first booking, we can send photos of up to 6 ladies by email (average 10-15 large photos per lady) .
– Regular clients can always get new photos by email (as per request as frequently as desired), or browse the database in our office.
– All ladies’ pictures are genuine photos, except that some nude/SM ones have their faces covered. However, if clients visit our office, they will be able to browse the original nude/SM photos and videos.
– The photo deposit can be deducted from the final service fees, but is not refundable.
– Asian Slave Club policy: if the service is carried out in Sydney, a client can pay on the lady’s arrival (if she is also from Sydney). Otherwise, all the fees including return air fare should be paid before the lady’s departure. Your cooperation is appreciated.
For more details, please refer to: Sex Slave Fees
Sydney Service
As our club is based in Sydney, our Sydney clients can pay on lady’s arrival. However, please note: 1, new clients in Sydney still need to pay A$200 photo deposit to view the photos and start arrangement. They cannot skip this step and ask us to send girls directly. 2, if a client tells us that you want to meet a slave in a future date but no payment, then this girl is still on the market. If another client books her with payment, she will be taken. So a client always needs to confirm his booking by payment.
Flight Bookings
Asian Slave Club will book the flight for the lady following the client’s instruction and on his charge. Usually we book from Booking Buddy (http://www.bookingbuddy.com). We don’t have a surcharge.
To protect ladies’ privacy, we won’t provide a copy of air-ticket or booking reference number of the flights.
Lady's Contact Details
We need to protect our ladies’ privacy. We will not provide the lady’s mobile number or email address until the last minute. A client will receive his slave’s mobile number after she boards the plane. So he will get her contact number before her arrival.
How to Choose the Proper Slave
We hope all clients will choose the best slaves for their needs and enjoy their time. Most clients would like to choose young, pretty and “fresh” girls. Unfortunately, our experience shows they are not always right. Slaves should be obedient and with proper endurance for the sort of BDSM activities you enjoy.
We suggest you pay some attention to ladies’ “Degree of Submissiveness” and “Pain Tolerance” when you choosing your slave. Slaves that only have a light pain tolerance – which includes most of the youngest ladies – are not able to do heavier play. Slaves that are not very submissive may be excellent companions, but will not be comfortable or willing to submit in all the ways that you desire.
To ensure your maximum enjoyment, please check that the slave is able to do both the activities that you want, and the level of intensity that you need.
Grades of Pain Tolerance
Pain Tolerance 1: Clapping buns gently
Pain Tolerance 2: Clapping buns harder
Pain Tolerance 3: Clapping buns quite hard or use SM clapper/strap/cane to whip gently
Pain Tolerance 4: Clapping buns very hard or use SM clapper/strap/cane to whip little harder
Pain Tolerance 5: Whipping hard by SM clapper/strap/cane
How to Get the Best Response from Your Submissive Partner
There is a major difference between an hourly visit with a professional escort, and having a dating for a few days, weeks or even months with a student. The important thing to remember is that all of our slaves are human beings, and although they enjoy BDSM activities they are still normal young ladies and enjoy the same sorts of pleasures.
When you first meet the lady, please take the time to introduce yourself and talk to her. Perhaps give her a rose or offer her dinner before starting SM activities. If you show that you are a gentleman, and demonstrate your well mannered side, she will be more comfortable during rest periods, and will therefore be able to give a better response either socially, or when you are doing SM play or having sex.
It is also important to let the lady clearly understand when you are starting and finishing a session of SM play. Our ladies cannot play 24×7, and they need a break from time to time. To keep lady’s passion, don’t play too long time in each play (40 minute for normal SM play and 10 minutes for heavy spanking / slapping / needles / electrical play). Let the slave know when the session is starting and finishing by directly telling her. This makes it easy for the lady to understand what you want, and respond appropriately when you need it.
In addition, for your slaves, the best way to end the SM play is – a violent sex! Especially for the natural submissives.
Lastly, please remember that it is nice to be appreciated. When you have finished a session, say “thank you” or offer some sweet words to her. When she does a good job, reward her with some love and attention, a candle-lit dinner or even a gift or a bonus if she has been exceptional.
The key of all the tips is: submissive ladies are also women, aside of money they also need some romance. You can divide the dating period into SM play time and normal time. You can slap her, piss on her, order her lick your feet and ass in SM play time; but also open a car door for her, invite her to a candlelight dinner and say “I love you” in the normal time. In this way, you can catch her soul and make her completely into your slave.
Please remember, never be rude (say “fuck you” ) in normal time, and never be too much of a gentleman (say “would you please lick my foot”) in SM play time.

In normal time
In SM play time
Direct Contact with Our Ladies
Please note, clients are not permitted to make direct contact with our ladies after the first date. Some inexperienced clients may believe that this will save money when in fact it may end up costing more or even lead to an unpleasant experience.
Clients' Privacy
To protect our clients’ privacy, we review our database regularly, and we delete the clients who haven’t contacted us for 2 years or more. You can also ask us to delete your information at anytime.