Asian Slave Club fornisce il suo servizio in tutto il mondo.
Le nostre tariffe Australiane e NeoZelandesi sono in dollari Australiani.
Le nostre tariffe Europee sono in Euro.
Le nostre tariffe per tutte le altre zone sono in dollari Americani.
Tutti i voli aerei sono escusi dalle tariffe del servizio.
Tutte le tariffe devono essere pagate prima della partenza della signora.
Se la signora e il cliente sono nello stesso paese, la durata minima della visita della signora è 1 giorno.
Se la signora e il cliente sono in paesi diversi ma nello stesso continente, la durata minima di visita della signora è 2 giorni.
Se la signora e il cliente sono in diversi continenti, la durata minima di visita della signora è 3 giorni.
Il tempo richiesto alla signora per viaggiare per incontrarvi è sempre fuori dal tempo di prenotazione, così non si paga per il suo tempo di viaggio. Perfavore capisca che abbiamo un minimo di tempo di prenotazione poichè non è giusto aspettarsi una signora viaggiare un intero giorno dall’Australia all’Europa o dagli Stati Uniti per una visita breve, e quindi che perda un’altro giorno viaggiando per tornare.
Service Area & Currency
All the fees (service fees, photo deposit, etc) in Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, etc.) are in Australian dollars.
All the fees (service fees, photo deposit, etc) in Europe (London, Paris, Munich, Moscow, etc.) are in Euros.
All the fees (service fees, photo deposit, etc) in North / South America, Asia and Africa (Toronto, New York, Tokyo, Bangkok, etc.) are in US dollars.
Airfares are in addition to service fees.
All fees must be settled prior to the lady’s departure.
Fees are based on a minimum of 1 day when the lady and client are in the same country.
Fees are based on a minimum of 2 days when the lady and client are on the same continent but in a different country.
Fees are based on a minimum of 3 days when the lady and client are on a different continent.
Travel Time
Travel time for the lady is not charged.
Payment Methods
– We accept the payments listed below (if you need our account details to make payment, please let us know):
1, Bank transfer (T/T)
2, Personal payment by cash at our Sydney office.
3, Cash payment on our lady’s arrival (if both the client and the lady are in Sydney).
4, Through Anonymous Money Transfer Agents (Moneycorp, Xoom, etc)
– We don’t accept the payments listed below:
1, Credit card
2, PayPal
3, Western Unions, MoneyGram, etc.
4, Cash post
5, Check, Money order, etc.
6, Virtual currency such as bitcoin, etc.
Please note, when you transfer the fees through an anonymous money transfer agent, as your information is hidden by the agent, we won’t know where this money come from. So please leave a short message with transfer (such as, travel, airfare, 375, a1b2, etc).
Policy For Payment Between Currencies
– Bank Transfer
Our Australian dollar account can accept any currency. When the foreign currency arrives, it is automatically converted into Australian dollars. We will tell you the amount actually arrives. Clients are not required to send Bank Transfer Receipts. Please note: all bank fees are the responsibility of the client and must be paid in addition to the service fee.
Our US and Euro accounts do not accept other currencies. You must send USD / EUR directly. Once another currency is mistakenly remitted into the USD / EUR account, it will be returned by the bank.
– Cash Payment
Our clients can pay cash on ladies’ arrival in Sydney only. If you don’t have Australian dollars, you will need to exchange the money into AUD first. Our ladies accept Australian dollars only (they cannot recognize all the foreign currency or know all the currency exchange rate). There are plenty bank branches and money exchange shops in Sydney CBD. You can also exchange the money at airport and the hotel counter.
Refund Policy
– If it is the fault of the lady or this company
In the situation where the lady cannot go to the appointment, we will give a full refund, including airfares (but not including the photo deposit).
– If it is the fault of the client
In the situation where the appointment has to be canceled or postponed because the client is unable to make it, we will keep the payment (including the airfare if it is refunded by the Airline) as credit for your next booking.
– If it is an act of God
If for a reason such as hurricane, volcanic ash, airport strike, customs/visa trouble, traffic accident, terrorist attack, etc, the lady cannot arrive, we will give a full refund (including the airfare if it is refunded by the airline). The photo deposit will not be refunded.